I’m Kelli and I’m so happy you’re here. A little about me… I like to write. I process thoughts in narrative form because I just love words. I tend to use too many and I say “y’all” a lot. I’m from Texas. I don’t drink tea or coffee but I’ll meet you for a Diet Dr. Pepper any time.
I’m married to the most amazing man for many reasons, but primarily because he really doesn’t care that I only clean the kitchen about once a week. Together we have two pretty great kids that are finally old enough to help me clean the kitchen (and we all said Amen).

I love Jesus and talk about that a lot. I love my family and so I’ll talk about them a lot, too. I’ll share my experiences and observations, budget fashion finds, fair-trade passions, my autoimmune journey, and anything else that pops into my heart and head. I hope you find it encouraging.
In addition to my blog thoughts, I’m available to speak to groups large and small on ministry, missions, marriage, parenting and a variety of human resource topics. If interested in learning more, or you just want that Diet Dr. Pepper, feel free to DM me on Instagram or email kelli {at} kellihuff.com.